Marietta Class: 2019 Class Christmas Party, Tuesday 12/17

Marietta Class: 2019 Class Christmas Party, Tuesday 12/17

Dear Dancers,

Walt has again invited us to have our class Christmas party at his home and we’ve scheduled it for Tuesday, December 17th at 7 pm. I think most of you have been there before, but if you haven’t it’s less than a mile from First Presbyterian off Kennesaw Avenue and we’ll give you directions closer to time for the party.

To make things easy on everyone, we are asking you to bring either an appetizer or desert. I’ll have a sign-up sheet for you to indicate your choice of appetizer or desert, you don’t have to specify exactly what the dish will be. Everything else will be provided by the Walt and the class and paid for by the class. 

We won’t be dancing on that night but will gather at the Walt’s at 7 pm or as soon after as you can make it for an evening of fun and great hospitality. So, mark your calendars as it won’t be the same without you.


P.S. The way the calendar falls this year, the church either has their Christmas Eve services on Tuesday or is closed in the evenings the week of New Year’s so we won’t be dancing in Marietta until January 7th. Don’t worry, I’ll send out a reminder.