Etowah (Cartersville) Class: Thursday, 1/23

Etowah (Cartersville) Class: Thursday, 1/23

Come join this 12 week Scottish Country Dancing class which is for all levels and is aimed at beginner dancers. It is located at the Cartersville Library, 429 W. Main St., Cartersville, GA. Class is from 6:00pm-7:45pm.

It is not necessary to bring a partner and no special equipment (other than comfortable clothing and a pair of soft-soled shoes) is required. During class we learn all that goes into SCD including great music, mental and physical exercise, and spend time with fun people!

The class fee of $45 covers all 12 weeks. Children 8 to 18 are free and must be accompanied by an adult. For questions or more details contact Susan Tumlin at (678) 431-2011 or
